Insights for filmmaking, writing, and flying higher.
Mastering On-Camera Appearances: 6 Tips for Executives and Thought Leaders
Expert tips for appearing naturally on-camera designed for executives and thought leaders.
Cultural Traditions and Storytelling in American Film
From coast to coast, our narratives are glimpses into the diversity to be found right here in the US: What culturally traditional elements are the most important?
Cellphone Spielberg: Filmmaking from your smartphone
Smartphone at the ready, you can produce high-quality films right from the palm of your hand for your business, brand, and professional social media.
To the skies: Creativity lifts the art of brand storytelling, and its impact
Show and Tell’s playfulness and creativity came from a deep interest in storytelling. The company’s founder and Chief Storyteller share the origin story.
Lights, camera, traction on a shoestring budget
Filmmaking on a small budget is possible. In the film world, ingenuity is the name of the game, and duct tape is your best friend.
How to be a “corporate” filmmaker in 4 steps
Hollywood entices, but corporate filmmaking offers something unique. It’s not about conforming to artistic standards, it’s about creative solutions to real problems.